Sunday, April 4, 2010

Do You Elevate Your Thoughts?

I attended two days of great elevation, inspiration, and enlightenment. I listened to messages that opened my understanding. They lifted my vision to see beyond what I usually see in my day-to-day work and toil.

How often do we take the time to elevate our thoughts? Stephen Covey referred to this as sharpening the saw in his master work 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Many of us go about our daily lot. We listen to music. We watch TV, DVDs or cable. We may surf the web to connect with friends, research information, follow sports or news stories, of more. Many seek the onslaught of hate and fear from many of today's talk show hosts.

How many of the things we do, however, lift us or improve us. Try an experiment. Take 15-20 minutes 3-times a week to listen or watch something that elevates your thoughts and lifts your attitude. You may watch some of the excellent lectures on You can listen to a short lesson through,, or You can get a free download from You can listen to religious programs, good music, or more.

My friend Dick Bolles mentioned in his blog that watching classic movies from NetFlicks generated more thoughts and new ideas. So, try watching some great movies. Avoid the shoot em up, curse em up, or depress em down genre. Seek for things that lift and elevate the soul. Try Singing in the Rain or some other uplifting piece.

You choose how you will elevate your thoughts and lift your attitude. Just try doing it at least 3 times a week for about 3 weeks. Then, see how your attitude responds. Please let me know what happens by posting a comment on this blog. I'd like to hear your stories.

1 comment:

  1. This is great. I have been reading and listening to Napoleon Hills great books. I even made my self a talisman on a rock with PMA (positive mental attitude)in green and gold letters on one side and NMA (negative mental attitude) in black and red letters on the other side. When I see this sitting on the counter or somewhere in my house it serves to remind me to keep the PMA side up.
    It has done a lot to help me to keep my thoughts positive when I tend to get negative.
