Friday, April 16, 2010

Act on 2-3 Things Each Month

Action is an important part of the GoalsWork model. A nineteenth century sage once wrote "Behold, he that doeth not anything until he is commanded, and keepeth a commandment with a doubtful heart, and keepeth it with slothfulness. The same is damned." Damned in this context refers not to rotting in hades, but being stopped in one's progression, like a river is stopped by a dam.

I suggest that you plan 2-3 actions that will get you closer to your goal each month. Avoid overwhelming yourself. One lady set a goal to go to school. It terrified her. So, she set a goal one month to read about 3 different school programs on the Internet. The next month she visited the admissions, financial aid, and placement counselors at each of the three schools. The third month she completed the application for one school. Some point out that she could have done all of that in one month, but that was too much for her. It overwhelmed her. She broke it down into small steps spread over three months. It took longer, but she still achieved her dream of going back to school. She found scholarships to pay for all of it too.

You can schedule some actions to occur each day, week, or month. Two business owners each wanted to increase sales. They used Bryan Pope's (architect of The 7 Pillars of Successful Marketing suggestion 9 at 8. He suggests that you plan how many calls you want to make "9," and set a certain time to make the calls "8am."

One owner decided to call nine current or potential clients each day starting at 8am. That generated 40 sales calls a week and increased his sales by 23% in two months. The other owner chose to call nine current or potential clients at 11am on Friday morning each week. He only wanted two additional sales per month. Both achieved their goals within two months.

An interesting thing happens when you start acting. The forces of the universe begin to act in your behalf. Success comes from your actions--and from other sources because you acted. I believe that our Divine Father opens the heavens to help you achieve your worthy dreams and goals. I join with millions of others, including Napoleon Hill and Earl Nightingale, who have witnessed this phenomena.

Remember, you don't have to do a lot, just select 2-3 new things to do each month. Then, act. Act with belief and excellence.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Do You Elevate Your Thoughts?

I attended two days of great elevation, inspiration, and enlightenment. I listened to messages that opened my understanding. They lifted my vision to see beyond what I usually see in my day-to-day work and toil.

How often do we take the time to elevate our thoughts? Stephen Covey referred to this as sharpening the saw in his master work 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Many of us go about our daily lot. We listen to music. We watch TV, DVDs or cable. We may surf the web to connect with friends, research information, follow sports or news stories, of more. Many seek the onslaught of hate and fear from many of today's talk show hosts.

How many of the things we do, however, lift us or improve us. Try an experiment. Take 15-20 minutes 3-times a week to listen or watch something that elevates your thoughts and lifts your attitude. You may watch some of the excellent lectures on You can listen to a short lesson through,, or You can get a free download from You can listen to religious programs, good music, or more.

My friend Dick Bolles mentioned in his blog that watching classic movies from NetFlicks generated more thoughts and new ideas. So, try watching some great movies. Avoid the shoot em up, curse em up, or depress em down genre. Seek for things that lift and elevate the soul. Try Singing in the Rain or some other uplifting piece.

You choose how you will elevate your thoughts and lift your attitude. Just try doing it at least 3 times a week for about 3 weeks. Then, see how your attitude responds. Please let me know what happens by posting a comment on this blog. I'd like to hear your stories.

The Great Other Who Helps Us Do All Things

The GoalsWork model declares that "others will help you." I would like to focus on the Great Other. He who goes by many names: the light, the way, the living water, the Lamb of God, the great I Am, even Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

I am a man of faith. I believe in Jesus Christ. I believe that He took upon Him the sins of all mankind, of every continent, every world, every race, every gender, and every epoch. He answered the punishment for all of them. He died and resurrected on the third day. He put off His mortal body and took it up again, glorified, perfected, and immortal.

I know that when He broke the bands of death and came forth from the tomb, He broke death's hold over me and every creature that has lived, now lives, and will yet live on this world and numberless others. I cannot, however, deny what I know. I also cannot remain silent on this Easter Sunday from declaring my belief. I know He lives today. I know he continues to love and teach us today.

A father once came to Jesus. His daughter was sick. He asked the Savior to heal her. The Lord taught him, and all of us, a key principle. He said "All things are possible to him that believeth." The man replied "Yeah, Lord, I believe." Then, I can see the Lord's eyes penetrating the man's soul, so that the man added "Help thou, mine unbelief."

I know that the Lord's atonement goes far beyond cleansing us from wrong-doing. It gives us more strength and ability. His atonement provides us with the power to do more than we can do by ourselves. He told modern prophets that "Men (meaning male and female) should be anxiously engaged in a good cause. For the power is in them, wherein they are agents unto themselves; and inasmuch as men do good, they shall in nowise lose their reward."

Christ gave us the power to do good. He gave us the choice to use the power. He promises us that if we use the power to do good (like supporting a family, giving to others, improving society, and so much more) that we shall achieve our desire.

So, this Easter Sunday rejoice that He is Risen, that He provided the grace that makes us whole, but also that His atonement allows us to do all things that we righteously desire. I know these things to be true. I hope that you find the same confirmation to know for yourself.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Your Future Remains in Your Control

More than 87% of the American workforce dislike their jobs. Many put themselves into that position because they never set career goals, but expected someone else to do so.

We sponsored an education expo this week. We invited 30+ colleges, trade schools, military, apprenticeship, and other vocational training programs into one room for youth and adults to explore appropriate post-HS training. I talked to more than 50 of the people who attended, asking them "What field do you want when (or if) you decide to grow-up. All but 7 astounded me with "I don't know" or "I'm not sure." What made the answer worse, they literally did not have a clue.

I could understand a 16-19-year old not settling on one choice, but to not even be able to describe anything (I asked deeper questions to truly find out). I also talked to several adults (30-68) who were trying to discover what they would like doing. How sad that people get to middle age or older and still haven't found themselves. Especially when so many free on-line tools exist to help.

I've listed some of the on-line career tools that I like. Try them to see if you discover a new possibility for your life.

The tests and inventories section of Dick Bolles site
Dick Knowdell's values card sorts offer by Stewart, Cooper, & Coon
Dick Knowdell's motivated skills card sorts offered by Stewart, Cooper, & Coon
The Party Game from Missouri University

Occupational Outlook
Occupational Net
Talk to people who work in occupations that interest you

Remember: Your Future Remains in Your Control